Complex management
We do just about everything you can imagine - from residential buildings to shopping malls. We put a piece of ourselves into every project and we believe it shows. Take a look at our reference projects.

IKEA Plan and Order point
Praha 11, Czech Republic
Year: 2021
Investment: 11 mil. CZK

ELI Beamlines Dolni Brezany
Dolní Břežany, Czech Republic
Year: 2016
Investment: CZK 1.75 billion incl. VAT (construction part)
OM Consulting worked on contracts worth approx. CZK

Extensive reconstruction of OC Novo Plaza without interruption of operations
Prague 4, Czech Republic
Year: 2020-2021
Investment: n/a

Extensive reconstruction of OC Novo Plaza without interruption of operations
Prague 4, Czech Republic
Year: 2020-2021
Investment: n/a

Industrial Park Dubnica
Dubnica nad Váhom, Slovak Republic
Year: 2018 and 2019
Investment: 990 million CZK + 241 million CZK

Mercedes-Benz After-Sales Logistics Center
Úžice and Chvatěruby, Czech Republic
Year: 2017-2019
Investments: over 130 million EUR

PHOENIX Pharmaceutical Wholesale Ltd.
Prague – Hostivař, Czech Republic
Year: 2019-2021
Investment: n/a

MOLO Lipno Resort
Lipno nad Vltavou, Czech Republic
Year: 2018-2023
Investment: 1.7 billion CZK