Residence Hloubětín
Services provided:
The building is located in a place of former greenery near the intersection of Kbelská/Průmyslová and Poděbradská Streets. The built-up area of the building is 999 sqm, the total usable area is 3 012 sqm.
The building has 1 underground and 5 above-ground floors, the last of which is retreating. Deep concrete piles and slab foundations with foundation strips are used as foundations for the built-up areas. Structurally, the building is designed as a white bath with a column system in the basement, a column system on the ground floor and a wall system on the upper floors. The roof is flat, mostly green.
The total number of apartments in the apartment building is 36 in the disposition of 1+kitchen corner to 3+kitchen corner. On the ground floor there are 3 commercial premises.
The OM Consulting team provided the client with a bank monitoring service.
Other projects by OM Consulting
Extensive reconstruction of OC Novo Plaza without interruption of operations
Building type: retail
Client: Bluehouse Capital Czech Republic
Implementation date: 2020-2021
Amount of investment: n/a
Residential houses Sázavská – Žďár nad Sázavou
ul. Sázavská, Zdar n. Sázava
Year: 2023
Investment: 150 million CZK
Houses Kobylisy – Pod Hliništěm, Prague 8
Pod Hliništěm, Prague 8
Year: 2022-2023
Investment: n/a