Houses Kobylisy – Pod Hliništěm, Prague 8
Services provided:DPS, VV, ZSPD
Four terraced houses, each containing a three-storey flat, are situated in a narrow sloping gap. When selecting the structures and technical solutions, we had to take into account the client’s idea of the maximum resulting usable area and at the same time think about the feasibility of the building in a limited space.
Other projects by OM Consulting
Extensive reconstruction of OC Novo Plaza without interruption of operations
Development type: retail
Client: Bluehouse Capital Czech Republic
Location: Prague 4
Completion date: 2020-2021
Investment amount: n/a
Residential houses Sázavská – Žďár nad Sázavou
ul. Sázavská, Zdar n. Sázava
Year: 2023
Investment: 150 million CZK
OD Máj – Reconstruction of TESCO supermarket
OD Máj, Národní 63/26, Prague 1
Year: 2022-2023
Investment: n/a