Services provided:
The revitalization of the unused industrial area of ČKD Slévárny a Moury will give Prague’s Vysočany district a new face. The aim of the project is to create an urban neighbourhood that offers a pleasant place to work and live. The AFI City office building in Prague’s Vysočany district is part of a large new development area and comprises 19 floors with unique views and three underground floors. It offers a total of 16,500 sqm for rent and 300 parking spaces.
The building from CMC Architects targets demanding clients, both with its form and variable options, as well as technologies aimed at obtaining the BREEAM Excellent certificate for efficient operation of the building. The project was completed in October 2020. Experts from OM Consulting provided project management, cost management and technical supervision of the investor.
Other projects by OM Consulting
Extensive reconstruction of OC Novo Plaza without interruption of operations
Building type: retail
Client: Bluehouse Capital Czech Republic
Implementation date: 2020-2021
Amount of investment: n/a
Residential houses Sázavská – Žďár nad Sázavou
ul. Sázavská, Zdar n. Sázava
Year: 2023
Investment: 150 million CZK
Houses Kobylisy – Pod Hliništěm, Prague 8
Pod Hliništěm, Prague 8
Year: 2022-2023
Investment: n/a