Technical Solutions (Technical building equipment)

The technical equipment of buildings plays an important role in any project. On the one hand, it determines the quality of the stay inside the building, and on the other hand, it significantly influences the price of future operation. It is said that a building is as comfortable as it offers the user. Smart building technology can create high user standards at reasonable operating costs, and its role is crucial from the concept stage.

Quality and experience in the design of technical equipment of buildings

We consider this area so crucial that we decided to create a separate Technology Department (MEP Center-mechanical, electrical, plumbing) in order to provide the best service to our clients. It is made up of a team of experts who deal with the technical equipment of buildings on a daily basis and have gained their experience on many different construction sites.

We optimise design and minimise costs

We cooperate with colleagues from departments such as project management, cost management and construction management. However, the crucial moment for the involvement of building services experts is at the very beginning of the project, when the architects and designers create the first concept. In cooperation with our own Design & Architecture department, we optimise the design and our know-how helps to avoid negative surprises at the stage when the investor is already incurring more costs.


Collaboration with technology experts for TDD reports

The details of the technical equipment of the buildings are also consulted with technology experts by our colleagues in technical due diligence, who use our in-depth knowledge of the subject matter to prepare reports.


Selected projects
in Technical Solutions

I want to make a non-binding inquiry to a technology expert